As you may have surmised by now, the move consumed much of the year for me. House hunting? Not as much fun as they make it appear on TV. Moving, as we all know, sucks, but I love our new house and our new town, and it's been great settling back into the East Coast way of life (swearing more, generally being angry about everything, and regularly visiting Dunkin Donuts).
"Blog more" has become an annual resolution, and I've yet to follow through, but I'm hoping 2017 will be different.
your house is so cute!!! I love the red door!
Thank you! I love the red door, too. Also, you can't see it, but the doorbells have little frog covers that are totes adorable.
I also this year did not miss the chance to change the house to a more comfortable one!
Please, you may congratulate me with my move https://www.moveprola.com/valley-village-moving-company/ this is truly a NEW life! ... The photos will be a bit later))
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