My food tour of Texas included but was not limited to: The amazing barbeque at your right, from Iron Works. It was the cutest little joint, and sweet baby Jesus, it was good. But no way in hell did I finish that plate. I managed to eat all of the sausage, most of the brisket, and about three bites of the ribs before I had to unbutton my pants and beg for mercy. (The potato salad was also good, but I just used that like a sorbet to cleanse my palate in between meat courses.) I also enjoyed Ztejas and their fine enchiladas (and margaritas). And I had super yummy flautas (and margaritas) at some place in San Antonio that I can't remember the name of. (Yeah, yeah, okay, so don't ask me to take you on a tour of Texas, okay? But the name of that freaky store is Cabela's, and yes, I had to ask my friend. Bite me.)
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